Protecting the home.

Protecting the home was very important. It was the place where the whole family lived, all the family's possesions were kept and possibly the only place where someone could feel safe. There were many ways the house was kept safe, some of which are listed here.

-Blackouts were used. See blackouts here.

-Every house had at least one bomb shelter. See shelters here.

-Sandbags were piled up on the walls of houses, to absorb the blast of a nearby explosion.

-Curtains were placed in door frames, and fireplaces were covered up to prevent gas coming in.

-Tape was placed on windows , to prevent them shettering inwards if a bomb exploded nearby.

-Front and back doors (and side, if there were any) were protected by earth-filled wooden bokes, and wooden fencing.

-Buckets, tubs and jugs were kept in every room, with water-pumps for fire-fighting.